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23. Aug 2022

Let's start the celebrations: Kicking-off the Summer Event Week

Yesterday was the day: We kicked off our big Summer Event Week!
For everyone reading our blog: We wish you a warm welcome into this exciting week and fun following us around during the next posts! To review the first day with all its first impressions, we have collected a few moments of our team-morning at Holzmarkt in this post.

Bit by bit, around 10:30 a.m., the Holzmarkt was filled with sofatutor team members from all over the world. Our office team chose this popular Berlin-outdoor-location so our large group could come together safely in a place.The funky event area right on the banks of the Spree offers everyone, who has not yet visited Berlin, an authentical first glimpse into the city’s colourfulness and rough charm. All of us tested beforehand, some arrived directly from the airport or train station, others from the team’s hotel or their homes in Berlin.
Greeted by our helpers from Team People & Culture, we were first of all equipped with name tags, team shirts and goodie bags.

Our CEO Stephan then officially welcomed the team in a short speech accompanied by cold drinks, coffee, cinnamon rolls and sandwiches.
By sharing his own emotions and excitement about the upcoming days, he summarized and verbalized some feelings we probably all share. While we are in mostly joyful anticipation of the next days, the special situation of coming together in such a big team for the very first time, might also include some uncertainties, which is why we already started with some getting-to-know games on Monday morning. We aren’t total strangers, but even the biggest Google-Meeting can´t show all those 230 faces behind sofatutor and all those past online team events just partly prepared us for meeting in such a big group for the very first time. One more reason to look forward to getting to know everyone in person :)

We want to take you with us on this exciting and special journey! In two further posts, following within the next few days, we will therefore share more impressions and experiences from our sofatutor Summer Event Week :)

You want to make those memories with us and be part of our team? On our website, you can find updated open positions and easily apply online!

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