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29. Sep 2022

My summer as working student in Talent Acquisition @sofatutor

An excerpt of my sofatutor-summer-diary: Not romantic in the traditional sense but somehow a love letter to all those learnings I made, as a working student in our talent team, these last few months between the end of my bachelor’s degree and the start of my master’s. How my journey at sofatutor started as an intern – you can read about it here.

To me the start of this year’s summer also meant going through the hot phase of my bachelor thesis. No such sunny prospects yet, I know… Within this final and honestly pretty stressful phase of my studies I somehow found working at sofatutor more relaxing than ever. Let it be successful procrastination or escape from scientific writing and data analysis, within my team and tasks as a working student I found a much needed balance. Still the focus was to successfully finish my studies and luckily it was never a problem to adapt my working hours flexibly to university during this time.

In July, as a now Bachelor of Arts, I also temporarily said goodbye to my responsibilities at work. Before starting into six weeks of full-time employment I got to properly charge my batteries in the Portuguese sun. Back in town, stepping into the office directly at Boxhagener Platz every day definitely helped me to catch the Berlin charm fast. Who wouldn’t choose the smell of Kebap takeaways over the scent of freshly baked Pasteis de Nata in the morning?

No, seriously: I was really looking forward to going back to work and being able to delve deeper into certain subject areas. After I expressed interest in Product and Tech, I got the opportunity to get a taste of this area during my working time.
Continuous learning is an important part of our company culture (follow various initiatives in the last posts ;). So I was able to use my ‘full-time time’ to focus on Talent Acquisition for positions in the field of Product & Tech. Starting with a lunch and learn session with my colleagues Vivi (Senior Talent Acquisition Manager for Product and Tech) and Conny (People Business Partner P&T), I got to learn about all the relevant structures and positions in Product and Tech from a People and Culture perspective. Knowledge which I used later on in practice, when being responsible for positions in UX-Research and Web Development as a Talent Acquisition Manager.
My personal highlight: In three ‘get-to-know days’ I got to experience Product and Tech from a team-internal perspective while I accompanied Nina (UX-Researcher in one of our scrum teams), in her work. She took time to answer all my questions, to explain her work, offered me insights on her daily business and even gave me the opportunity to put my UX-research skills to the test in practice. Thanks again to Nina and Team Blue, who offered me insights on their daily business and intensified my interest in this area even more ♥

Full of impressions, I look forward to all those parallels between practice and theory that I might find when soon starting my Masters degree in Business Psychology and continuing my work at sofatutor!

It doesn’t matter whether you’re just starting your career or already gained greater professional experience, many open doors and opportunities for further development are waiting for you at sofatutor… Become part of our team by simply applying online or by writing to jobs@sofatutor.com :)
We look forward to hearing from you!

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